These motors work on alternating current and are highly efficient. They contain a copper-wounded stator and rotor that work on electromagnetism. Some of the common types of AC motors include:
• Synchronous Motors – Primarily used in drilling machines and other devices where accuracy is key. Other applications of synchronous motors include speed controllers, timers, clocks, metering pumps, electromechanical robots, etc.
• Induction Motors – These are motors that are primarily used in automobiles, water pumps, kitchen appliances, air conditioners and fans.
• Linear Motors – When compared to other AC motors, linear motors have different operational and functional characteristics. They are used in magnetic levitation tracks, ground-based rails, monorails and roller coasters.
• Adjustable Motors – They are used in water cooling equipment, electrical power plants, cargo pumps, marine and land machinery.
• Universal Motors – They are used in kitchen blenders, dryers, vacuum cleaners, high-power engineering railway traction mechanisms and drill machines.